Shire Stork Playhouse Including Platform
What are the necessary ingredients for long-lasting memories of a happy childhood? We’ll all suggest different things but my list includes the ability to use one’s imagination, best friends, favourite toys, chocolate and a playhouse.
The Shire Stork Playhouse from elbec is the best place ever for stirring the imagination. Just think of all the things you could do in such a wonderful space. You could invite your best friends to tea and entertain them in sumptuous surroundings. You could stand on the platform and scan the lawn for the pirates hiding on the other side of the flower borders. You could sit in splendid isolation and wait for someone special to climb the stairs and rescue you. You could store enough chocolate to feed an army. You could …From an adult’s perspective the Stork playhouse is ideal because it’s well made with safety hinges and styrene glazed windows and doors. The ladder can be positioned at the front or on either side of the verandah and the cabin means the children can play safely out of the sun in the summer months or be sheltered in the cooler months.
This enchanting playhouse is available in two versions:
- The Shire Stork Platform Playhouse on stilts is ideal for kids of primary school age
- The ground level Shire Stork Playhouse suitable for young (or less adventurous) kids
- 14th December 2015